Sunday 5 February 2012

Winter Wonderland

When they talk about 'Plunging Temperatures', 'Killer Freeze' and 'Siberian Conditions' here in England, it practically means between 0-2 degrees minus Celcius. But with this it does come a total chaos if you had any plans to go anywhere. Therefore I (luckily as it turned out) cancelled some birthday drinks with friends in London last night. Trains were running poorly even before it started snowing so I did not dare to take the chance getting both in to London and back home again...

I must say I like snow and this is what we woke up to today. Will have to make the most of it; sledging, snowman building etc. because it will probably be gone before long. Even though the traffic chaos and public transport cancellations will remain for days if not weeks...

(Haven't been able to get rid of the poinsettia yet, but the tulips are creeping in...)

As a proud mother, I must show off what my 7 year old son knitted during his first term of school-life.

Shepherd and lamb

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