Friday, 1 May 2009

May Day Celebration

Today we celebrated May Day in Queens Wood, North London. And gosh how blessed we were with lovely sunny weather.

First the children from babies to 6 years did their dancing.

Then the adults got their chance to show off how to dance, skip, sing and weave the ribbons into lovely pattern... Well, it kind of worked (most of the time)...
Sorry for the blurry photo, but it does weave into lovely pattern - when you get it right that is.
Many thanks to the musicians that helped us all to stomp around.

All together a great day in the woods.


Annabell said...

Oj! vad trevligt det ser ut som ni har! Och visst är det härligt med vår då alla kommer ut från sina hus igen.

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

How fun!