As I said before I was long not sure if I wanted to knit them, but as I did, I am so pleased. They where fun to knit and looks great. Especially as i just learned to knit cables without the extra needle, which makes life much easier. I learned from this tutorial: I also found that Mia put a great tutorial on her blog (Swedish). Try it and you will never fear cables again.
As I was knitting these socks, I had three friends in mind and now I'm not sure who will get them! Will it be xxx or xxx or xxx???
Wish I was one of the ones on the short list for these gorgeous socks! I guess I will have to satisfy myself with making my own pair! I have just gotten into making socks and these look so pretty. Thanks for letting me know where to find the pattern.
De är verkligen hur snygga som helst! Hurra för dig! Kul att du länkade till min lilla flätskola också ;)
Tänk att du ska ge bort dem. Det hade jag aldrig gjort. Men det är saligare att giva etc...
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