Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Merry Christmas

Yippie, Christmas holidays and hopefully lots of time to do nice things - like knitting - and not only course work...

December has been really quite busy. The boys and I had a weekend in Sweden which was lovely - and white...

Being back home, I of course had to visit Eks Lilla Bod - and came home with half the suitcase full of yarn. This hat is made in JC naturgarn from Jarbo.

Back in London again, still feeling very Swedish, I took the whole family to the Swedish Church in London for the Lucia Celebration. This was the first time the boys had experienced this lovely celebration and was as delighted as I was.

Even if I do not agree with the BBC's broadcaster reporting about 'killer freeze' and 'the arctic conditions' in England at the moment, but yes it has been and still is cold in parts of the country. Even we in London has experienced some fantastic winter wonderland.


These are both pictures from our school garden on Monday, when I led our Winter Craft School. Could it be more beautiful and winter-like? A perfect day for candle dipping out-doors in our shelter.

As I haven't been posting much lately, I just want to end with these lovely soft fingerless mittens in Blue Sky alpaca.


... and a still secret Christmas pressie...

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