A couple more photos of my Brandywine Shawl which is now with it's new owner, who was thrilled for the pressie.
I just had my cousin and his partner here for a few days - and a few more days due to the Icelandic volcano. It was great to have Kalle and Sara here and after getting them on the Euro Star, they should now be on a train towards Hamburg and then hopefully back in Sweden soon. Anyway, visits always gives me a very loved visit to one of the many musicals in the west end. This time it was 'We Will Rock You' - and it was FAB. On my way to the theatre, I accidently slipped in to Liberty and got out with a little treat... Rowan by Amy Butler!

As often inspired by PetraO, I'm hoping this will be a beautiful poncho.
Bargain from a charity-shop in Helsingborg - a skein winder for £1!!! Yeah!