Since end August everything changed in my life - at least it feels like. I started working again after being home with children the last 5 1/2 years AND I started university. Still a bit in chock! It's all very exciting, but OHOY what a lot to do.
I started work as an assistant to the Playgroup teacher at our Steiner School which is great. I thoroughly enjoy the work and it is very handy to drop off my boys in the kindergarten and then just get into the next room for playgroup.
The university studies are a bit more scary. Even though I'm only away 2 days a month, it is a lot of reading that has to be done - and at this very moment I have no idea how I'm coping. Anyway, it is as I said very exciting. I'm doing a two years foundation course in Waldorf Steiner Early Childhood Education.
So with all this happening, there is not that much time for craft...
PS. Visited the Knit and Stitch Show at Alexandra Palace in London today and was stopped at least 30 times by people admiring my red ponchonette by Anna. So well done Anna! You are admired.