The boys are back in playgroup and kindergarten - and with that the school-run.
Zak just turned three and with that his little birthday party.
The boy's granny came for Zak's birthday and invited me to see Joseph at the Adelphi Theatre. Second time to the West End in two weeks... Fantastic!
Then I've been to a photo exhibition and an evening out with parents from the school. Feels like I've done more "grown-up" things the last two weeks than I have since becoming a mum - 4 years ago...
Work-wise I've made some curtains for a friend and I'm still working on my Chesterfield, that slowly-slowly getting there. Just need some help sewing through 6 (SIX) layers of leather - which is about 5 1/2 layers too much for my sewing machine.
As it's soon my birthday, I bought myself a little early present last week...
It's been busy times for little artists as well...